Erik Foss is a self-taught, American artist, born in Elgin, Illinois, in 1973. He was raised in the deserts just outside of Phoenix, Arizona. His early inspirations were fueled by the American cultural landscape, a religious upbringing, skateboarding, underground music and other elements from subcultures of the time.
In 1996, Erik relocates to New York City on Halloween where he soon $nds commu- nity in downtown Manhattan night life, in the streets with local skateboarders, and in the DYI gallery scene. During this time, New York City has become a foundation of inspiration for his work that re#ects to this day. Erik then became a founding partner of Lit Lounge / Fuse Gallery from 2002 – 2015. It’s here that they showed other artists while he continued to evolve within his own practices.
Erik has had eight solo shows and has been featured in countless group exhibitions in North America and internationally. He has also been included in two of the American Academy of Arts & Letters juried group exhibitions in which the academy purchased two signi$cant canvas – one of which was placed in a major American Museum col- lection.
Cultural identity is crucial to the imagery of Erik Foss’ recent body of paintings; promi- nently featuring snakes but frequently adorned with the easy symbols of pop culture detritus like smiley faces, with a rainbow here or a landscape there. This stu, tacky kitsch and quotidian embellishments all, is his way of saying who he is, of telling us where he comes from.